
Eures Tim


Agencija Eures Tim je specijalizirana za organizaciju kongresa, konferencija, međunarodnih seminara i sastanaka i incentive putovanja. Dugogodišnje iskustvo, suvremena oprema, znanje i dobiveni međunarodno priznati certifikat za profesionalnu organizaciju događanja predstavljaju samo jedan od elemenata kvalitete naših usluga CDMP (Certified Diversity Meeting Professional) certifikat od strane IAHMP (International Association of Hispanic Meeting Professionals).
Eures Tim

Imate pitanje? Javite nam se!

Organizirate poslovno ili privatno događanje i zainteresirani ste za naše usluge? Pošaljite upit putem obrasca, naši djelatnici javit će vam se u najkraćem roku!

Organizacija putovanja

You are invited to learn more about how is it to travel with us.

Every trip in cooperation with Eures team is the experience for itself, leaving you full freedom to pass through a destination in its own rhythm. There is a great opportunity to show you things you may never seen or try before.

Koturaška 69/III10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
tel: 01 61 70 728faks: 01 61 70 851
mail: web: www.eures-tim.com
Igor Dananićtehnički direktor
tel: 01 6170 728mob: 098 877 974faks: 01 6170 851

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