
O-Tours PCO


O-Tours je među vodećim PCO / DMC agencijama u regiji. Djelujemo na tržištu od 1996. godine te imamo 15-godišnje iskustvo. O-Tours ima urede / poslovnice (BTC) u Zagrebu, Ljubljani i Sarajevu.
O-Tours PCO

Imate pitanje? Javite nam se!

Organizirate poslovno ili privatno događanje i zainteresirani ste za naše usluge? Pošaljite upit putem obrasca, naši djelatnici javit će vam se u najkraćem roku!

Other services

- Social Program
- Hiring of technical equipment for meetings
- Preparation of signposts and their placement
- Transfers
- Interpreters
- Photographers
- Floral decoration
- Excursions and activities (traditional and/or tailor-made
- Lunches
- Dinners (with or without entertainment)
- Welcome cocktail
- Coffee breaks
- Special Events
- Airline tickets - domestic and international airline (flight) tickets
- Exhibition Space Management (arranging rental from the hotels,
renting to the interested parties and/or conference members,
accounting and costs monitoring and reporting)
- co-ordination of members of staff  / assistance during the conference
- meet & assist at airport
- hotel check-in assistance, airport transfer assistance, registration desk personnel

Gajeva 6/1 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
tel: 01 4831 444faks: 01 4813 010
mail: web: www.otours.hr
Dubravka ŠtenglManager
tel: 01 4921 720faks: 01 4813 010

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